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26 Şubat 2011 Cumartesi

dental abscess complaints

This started 4 months ago. The interior literally my tooth fell out, so I went to a dentist and they filled it in. Then the pain really started. I usually have a very high tolerance for pain, but I could not bear it. I called the same dentist, he has given me antibiotics and I went back to see him again. This time he has shaved off the tooth, where it rubs the tip was. This has not helped. My cheek is now three times its normal size and I have a dental apt. with another dentist for my abscessed tooth pulled. I've been to this other dentist, but they would not w / o at X-rays of my teeth because I never been there. So I have to wait another 2 weeks before I'm finally, finally able to get this tooth pulled. They told me my options were to spend much money on a root canal or not so much money to get it pulled. I am with the pain it's gonna be from there, but I have to wait about 2 weeks.

dental abscess

My seven year old daughter has just come out of the hospital after 6 days! By an abscess! No complaints about their teeth were taken of her recently! She woke on Monday with a slightly swollen cheek, she took the doctors have said it was a viral infection! The next day her eye was swollen and easily they took back to the doctors and said the same thing as before! On Wednesday morning was her whole right side swollen and closed her eyes completely, and he picked it up they found the abscess and threw her down for surgery! Three days later they had done more than any other drain op building in her face, as it was so much more! Parents should pay attention, how quickly things develop in a child!

18 Şubat 2011 Cuma

The Dental Abscess Prevention

Prevention plays an important role in maintaining good dental health. Daily brushing and flossing and regular dental visits can prevent cavities and tooth abscess. Those who frequent dental abscesses suffering must be evaluated to determine if an underlying disease is responsible by a health provider.

      * Remember to brush and floss after every meal and at bedtime.

      * If decay is detected early and treated promptly, could develop cavities, in abscesses can be solved in general.

The Medical Treatment

The doctor may decide, cut the abscess and leave the matter in the sewage system or attempt treatment with antibiotics. If the abscess breaks on its own, this is usually the only way that infection can be cured. People with dental abscesses are usually prescribed painkillers and, at the discretion of the doctor, antibiotics to fight the infection. An abscess that has extended the floor of the mouth or throat, you may need to be drained in the operating room under general anesthesia

Dental Abscess Treatment

Self-Care at Home

  • People who have cavities or toothaches can take nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicines, such as ibuprofen (Advil) or naproxen (Aleve), as needed for relief of pain and inflammation. These medications will help the pain, but they will not treat the infection. Follow-up with a health-care provider is always indicated.
  • If an abscess ruptures by itself, warm-water rinses will help cleanse the mouth and encourage drainage. Even then, a follow-up visit to your dentist is important.

17 Şubat 2011 Perşembe

The Dental Abscess Diagnosis

A doctor or dentist can be identified by physical examination whether you have a drainable abscess. X-rays of the mouth may be necessary, small abscesses, which are at the lowest point of the tooth show ....

Dental Abscess Signs ans Symptoms

* symptoms of tooth abscess are typical pain, swelling and redness of the mouth and face. With an advanced infection can include nausea, vomiting, fever, chills, and. Include 

* The signs of dental abscess typically include but are not limited to, cavities, gum disease, oral swelling, tenderness with touch, pus discharge, and sometimes pain or difficulty fully opening your mouth or swallow.

* Universally, there is pain on pressure (touch) of the infected area.

Dental Abscess Causes

The cause of these infections is direct growth of the bacteria from an existing tooth cavity in the soft tissues and bones of the face and neck.den

The Dental Abscess Overview

A dental abscess is an infection of the mouth, face, jaw or throat that begins as a tooth infection or cavity. Although these infections can be caused by poor dental health and lack of proper and timely dental care results, they can also occur in people with underlying medical conditions such as autoimmune diseases (Sjögren's syndrome and similar conditions) or conditions that weaken the immune system (diabetes, post- radiation / chemo therapy cancer treatment). Dental abscesses can be triggered in the oral cavity by minor trauma.

to extend * bacteria from dental caries (tooth cavity a) in the gums, cheek, neck, under the tongue or even in the jaw or facial bones. A dental abscess can be very painful when tissues become inflamed or by the pressure within the abscess. A gum or gingival abscess is the result of infection or trauma to the surface of the gums. Periodontal abscesses are the result of an infection that has moved deeper into rubber areas and periapical abscess refers to a tooth with an infection of the pulp.

* Pus collects at the site of infection. The state is increasingly painful, until the abscess ruptures and drains on either their own or surgical drainage.

* In rare cases the infection to the point where swelling threatens the airway advances to block what difficulty breathing. Dental abscesses can you ill usually with nausea, vomiting, fever, chills, sweats, and.

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